A Full Listing of My Services

Below are my services. To see events, go HERE

Get Inside My Head Every Week

35+ Years of Experience.
2 Nationally Leading Companies. 4 Exits.
Many Lessons Learned & Insights Gained.

All yours for less than a cheap lunch — as little as $8 a month.

Some clients pay me tens of thousands of dollars a year.

And they get handsome returns on their investments.

Others invest a few thousand dollars each year and are excited about the massive value they receive.

You can see all the service options I’m talking about below.

I’m happy to serve these clients; however, I know not everyone is ready to invest at that level.

That’s OK!

The lowest-cost way to get insights into all facets of my experience is to subscribe to Bryan’s Brain for just $12/month or $96/year — just $8/month. And yes, there is also a free subscription option, which I recommend if you’re on the fence about a paid subscription.

What You Get

For this one low price, you get all of my written articles and audio recordings with deeper insights in all of these areas:

• Attract and keep world-class employees and fiercely loyal clients,
• Nurture highly skilled communicators in management, sales, and beyond,
• Eradicate conflict and accelerate connection among all your employees,
• Create a truly remarkable organization — the kind every leader wants but most are left wondering how to create,
• …and much more!

Harnessing Peace
• Discover a place where calmness rules the day,
• Help employees live healthier, happier lives at work and at home,
• Enjoy the myriad benefits of having all your people tuned into benefitting from lives of peace.

The Million-Dollar Wordsmith™
My words have made hundreds of millions of dollars for my clients.
• Discover the secrets that engage your audience members in your messages,
• Increase your marketing ROI,
• Help all your internal and external content providers shoot at the same, productive targets with every word they produce.

The 7 Pillars of Successful Marketing™
I produced dozens of training titles for my national audience based on my popular 7 Pillars framework. I also traveled nationally, training business owners and marketers on this proven approach to reducing marketing expenses while increasing ROI. I am adding these titles — the complete library of which sold for $1,296 — to Bryan’s Brain periodically over the coming months. They are included in your paid subscription!

Bryan’s Brain Catch-All
There are — and will continue to be — other topics and discoveries I’ve found to be highly beneficial in business and elsewhere. I will share those, along with the content in the categories noted above, as part of your subscription.

There will always be plenty of value from a free subscription. However, all of my deeper dives (in audio-recorded format) will be reserved for paid subscribers. Again, it’s all yours for the very modest investment of only $12/month — or just $8/month when you pay annually.

Go ahead. Subscribe now. I promise you’ll be richer for the experience.

If you subscribe and don’t feel you’ve received an extraordinary ROI, simply tell me so, and I’ll buy lunch for you when you’re in the neighborhood — and it won’t be a cheap, eight-dollar lunch, either.

Thank you for being here!

Bryan Waldon Pope


Messaging Style Guide™

This is my original creation.
You won’t see it anywhere else.
We create your guide together.
Your messaging becomes powerful and consistent.
You enjoy a higher ROI on all your growth activities.
(This guide typically pays for itself in the first month or two.)

0.25% of Annual Revenues w/a $1.75MM minimum ($4,375)

Tell me more! Let's talk.

Periodically, we hold group Messaging Style Guide™ workshops.
Check here for dates if you’re interested in a DIY approach to creating your guide.

Engagement Piece

Getting people to engage — to invest a little time — pays huge dividends.
Brochures make us look like everyone else. Blah.
Reading your book may be too big of an initial leap for many would-be prospects.
Standing out with an 8-page (or so), eye-opening engagement piece hits the spot!
• Grab your audience members’ attention.
• Quickly develop their interest in what you offer.
• Help them feel a desire to discover more.
• Show them how their action leads to the success they are seeking.
…all in a piece they can read during a short break or absorb deeply over lunch.


I want to know more!

*Producing your Messaging Style Guide first will maximize the impact of your Engagement Piece.

Course / Coaching / Curriculum Development

You have something to share with the world.
Organizing it and making it inspirational is where I shine.

$4,900 - Outline development (2-day in-person experience. Add $ for travel or venue.)
$8,000+ - Full content creation starts here once the outline is developed.

I want to share my genius!

Periodically, we hold workshops on transforming your experience into courses, coaching, etc.
Check here for dates if you’re interested in a DIY approach to developing your program.


Do you have a book in you?
Most of us do.
I can help you transform what’s in your head into an inspirational book people want to read.

$12,000 (1-day collaboration, 60-75-page quick-read book manuscript, 2-month completion)
$24,000 (2, 1-day collaborations, 120-150-page executive book manuscript, 4-month completion)
$40,000 (2-day collaboration, 4 half-day collaborations, ~250-page book manuscript, 6-month completion)

Let's talk about my book!

Periodically, we hold workshops on sharing your experience through writing books.
Check here for dates if you’re interested in a DIY approach to writing your book.



I take a slightly different approach to keynote addresses than most people in my industry: My keynotes are FREE!*

All you pay is my daily stipend (and travel, when applicable).

That’s it!

My speaking topics cover the array of culture development, marketing, written and verbal communication, sales conversations, human connection, collaboration, and high-level creation. We can custom-fit a message to your specific needs with ease.

$500 - Stipend-only (for keynotes in Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah)
$2,000 - Stipend + travel for keynotes in the Continental U.S.*
*Keynotes outside the Continental U.S. incur additional charges.

Let's talk about our keynote needs.

Other Speaking Gigs

If you have a need for a breakout session facilitator or other speaking gig, let’s talk. These aren’t free, but my speaking fees are reasonable. I’ve found speaking to be enjoyable as well as a strong source of clients for my core business, so I’m happy to share that benefit with you in the form of lower speaking fees.

We may have a fit for a speaking gig.

Executive Coaching & Partnering


I have coached business owners from bankruptcy to seven-digit windfalls — from personal lives that resemble trainwrecks to lives of thriving success.

In some cases, they have come to me before the problems were this dire or to fulfill their vision of their already-productive organizations becoming remarkable standouts.


I also partner with carefully selected business owners when the fit is right. We leverage our combined talents, experiences, and resources to create leading companies neither of us could produce on our own.

If you feel our collaboration in one of these ways may be mutually beneficial, let’s talk.

Please be aware prior to our visit, I do not take on any all-equity partnering deals. Over the years, I’ve found that these simply don’t work.

Let's talk about coaching or partnering.

Culture Development Training

See all training dates on our Events site


1-Day Intensive Open Enrollment Training Sessions
All one-day open enrollment sessions include recorded and printable materials and lunch)

Part 1: The Art of Human Connection


Part 2: The Art of Uncontested Credibility

$397/person for non-UC Creators
$197/person for UC Creators and their guests

Part 3: The Art of Constant Creation

$397/person for non-UC Creators
$197/person for UC Creators and their guests

See the schedule for open-enrollment sessions HERE

Private Training

Have me personally train your people at your facility.
You provide everything but the content for the day.
I provide myself, the training content, and recorded and printable materials.

$8,000+ - Contact me for pricing for your group size, location, and scope of training

Let's talk about training options.


This is where people who have completed at least Part 1 of the Foundation Series, The Art of Human Connection, continue their discovery and implementation of the VEVA Framework and everything else UNSTOPPABLE CULTURE offers.

This membership is intended to be ongoing for individuals who are serious about building relationships, streamlining organizational operations, eradicating conflict and accelerating connection, attracting and keeping world-class employees and fiercely loyal clients, and otherwise creating standout organizations that are truly remarkable and enjoy the benefits afforded by positive cultures most leaders only dream about.

BONUS: At the very low price of just $197/month, you will have everything you need to implement UNSTOPPABLE CULTURE (UC) in your organization. The UC Creator Community includes implementation guidance and a license to share the UC recorded and printable materials with everyone in your organization. Note that some larger organizations choose to have multiple UCC memberships, having one person join for each department or team so they have a front-row seat to all of the training and conversations, reducing the number of levels through which information is filtered so all their employees benefit from everything UC offers them at work and in their personal lives.

What’s Included:

• Semi-monthly online training and collaboration sessions for UC Creators.

• Specific direction on implementing UNSTOPPABLE CULTURE in your organization.

• Unlimited access to the UCC Forum (to ask questions and share experiences).

• Weekly done-for-you, recorded mini-training sessions you can easily plug-and-play into your staff meetings.

• Distribution rights for UC training materials within your organization. (Yes! Everyone in your organization gets trained through you at this one low price!)

I want the world to have UNSTOPPABLE CULTURE everywhere. That’s why I’ve made this an unbelievable value — truly a no-brainer — for anyone interested in nurturing a strong, positive, sustainable culture in their organization.

$197/month/Creator — Really! That’s not a typo.

Yes! I want to be a UC Creator!

Did I Miss Anything?

If there’s a way you feel I may be helpful to you or your organization that isn’t listed here, feel free to let me know! I’m always open to new adventures when there’s a good fit.

Just contact me and let me know what’s on your mind!

Whatever your need, I look forward to getting to know you. -Bryan

Here's how we might work together...